Diagrammatic Hex/Sticker Charm

The Third Tier of the Center for Tactical Magic's Free Occult Services Project is "Transformation." It features a do-it-yourself sticker curse/graffiti curse for channelling anti-globalist and anti-authority forces into action against corporations, institutions, and other appropriate targets. Transformation is quite simply an introduction to street-level Tactical Magic. Linking modern graffiti techniques with the ancient practice of affixing curses to the property of one's foe, Transformation implements a diagrammatic hex, but in the form of a sticker for easy application. Participants transform their dispirited sentimentalities by employing a diagrammatic hex designed to counter the malevolent metaphysical and metapsychological manipulations of oppressive forces. Although no individual persons are targeted, agencies, corporations, institutions, and government administrations which initiate and support malign policies and exploitative practices are deemed appropriate recipients of the curse. As an interactive ritual invocation involving the creation and application of diagrammatic hexes, Transformation provides participants with all the tools s/he needs to take that difficult first step in mentally, spiritually, and physically addressing social injustice. By giving voice to suppressed misgivings and sublimated desires, participants readily gain insights into their own unharnessed potential, enabling them to see beyond the illusion of disillusionment and into the golden aethyr of collective empowerment.

Print the Stickers: (Sticker Sheet PDF)

To cast the spell:
1) Relax. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Repeat.
2) Take a moment to reflect on the nasty policies, social ills, and community woes that need to be challenged and corrected.
3) Choose an issue that you feel particularly drawn to, and ask yourself, "What is most responsible for this dire situation? What obstacles stand in the way of a solution to this problem?"
4) Most likely, you will conclude that a large corporation, government agency, social institution, or other organizational entity is at least partially responsible for perpetuating the problem you seek to address. Write that name inside the red circle. (Note: this will not work against individuals, which unfortunately includes bosses, landlords, specific politicians, cops, etc.).
5) Close your eyes and envision the entire design, complete with the name written in the circle. Watch the name fade to nothingness. Now envision the positive results that would occur if your target's vile actions were to disappear.
6) Open your eyes, and then, go attach the sticker to the property of the encircled establishment.
7) Relax. Breathe freely. Smile. You have just completed your first act of street-level Tactical Magic by taking that difficult first step in mentally, spiritually, and physically addressing social injustice! Keep it up & Good Luck!